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Active Bias is our most advanced training to
maximize human potential.

Active Bias

Foundational learning to build a fair, respectful and inclusive workplace culture. Embed baseline knowledge to create a conscious level of awareness throughout the organization while providing tools to self manage bias.

Individual bias causes corporate risk and it only takes one person to expose you to reputational damage and financial losses.


Experience the difference in only 4 hours.

Emotional Intelligence

Learn a heart centred approach to daily interactions.

Accept Differences

Embrace a new perspective based on lived experiences.

Rewire Thinking

Shift behaviour through new habits for better outcomes.

Leadership Development

Small group facilitations help teams connect, learn and grow.

Capacity Building

Create a baseline of implicit, explicit and unconscious bias knowledge.

Risk Mitigation

Reduce conflict and increase communication competence .

What people have to say

quote paragon

The course transforms you into a better person. This is what everyone neglected for so long. Time has come to save us from our old habits and biases.


I left with the tools required to understand differences and conduct myself in a professional and non judgemental manner towards all.

quote paragon

I came to work the following day and shared some of my learnings with my own team and it made me realize how much I actually took away from the course.